Member News- Zach Nchinda

Nkaziewok N. Nchinda-Pungong, son of Local 212 member Zach Nchinda, has been selected as one of this year's 32 Rhodes Scholars. According to the Rhodes Trust announcement, Nkazi is a senior at Harvard College, where he studies Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Sociology. He is working with a team to design a smartphone-based hemoglobin sensor for point-of-care anemia diagnosis. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Harvard Brevia, an online forum that makes scientific research more accessible to students and the general public. The son of Cameroonian immigrants, Nkazi’s focus at Oxford will be to merge his interests in bioengineering and global health in order to make healthcare more scalable and affordable. Nkazi plans to do an M.Sc. by Research in Engineering Science.


A Message from Ann Perry, an MATC Student and FAST Fund Board Member.


Fiesha Parker, a FAST Fund recipient, explains the Fund's impact on her life: