A Message from Ann Perry, an MATC Student and FAST Fund Board Member.


My name is Ann Perry, a Milwaukee Area Technical College student studying baking and pastry arts. I am also Secretary of the FAST Fund Board. I am writing to ask you to support the FAST Fund's Giving Tuesday campaign so it can help MATC students like me.

The FAST Fund is an organization that helps students who are trying to maintain their studies and become successful but have fallen on economic hard times. They provide services such as helping get books, tuition, laptops, food, glasses, and rent, to name just a few services.

I have benefited from this program twice. At the beginning of my final semester, I learned I had used up my financial aid. One of my teachers told me about the Fast Fund. I applied and after speaking with the director and other staff, the Fast Fund helped me with my down payment. Now I will graduate in December. That is one of the reasons I wanted to become a part of the Board. I want to be able to make a difference in someone's life the way the FAST Fund made a difference in mine.

The FAST Fund is making a major fundraising effort for Giving Tuesday on December 1st because the pandemic makes it impossible for us to hold our annual Gala and Silent Auction. I know the FAST Fund is an extremely hard-working organization that operates solely on donations. I am asking you to join us in this effort by contributing to the FAST Fund’s Giving Tuesday Campaign.

To donate online go to:



Ann Perry

Please help us help students like Ann by becoming an Ambassador and promoting the FAST Fund’s Giving Tuesday Campaign. Contact Michael Rosen for details. 


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