Local 212 Recertifies!

Milwaukee Area Technical College’s education professionals voted overwhelmingly to recertify their union, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Local 212 for the ninth consecutive year. 

97 % of the 415 full-time faculty, counselors and accountants who voted, voted “Yes” for Local 212 representation (80% of all eligible).

99 % of the 199 professional staff, full and part-time, who voted, voted “Yes” for Local 212 representation (68% of all eligible).

97 % of the 353 part-time faculty who voted, voted “Yes” for Local 212 representation (64% of all eligible).

90% of the 20 Milwaukee Public television engineers and production staff who voted, voted “Yes” for Local 212 representation (86% of all eligible).

The decisive vote took place in the context of growing national support for unions. 68% of Americans now support labor unions, the highest number since 1965. Amazon workers in Staten Island just won an unprecedented victory against the nation’s second largest private employer. Twenty Starbucks have also organized. Closer to home, Local 212 successfully organized the Milwaukee Public Television engineers and production staff, and Colectivo coffee workers won their recent union recognition election.

If you know someone who is not a member, encourage them to JOIN today!

Read the full press release HERE


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