Are You Being Paid For Your Work?

The academic semester is coming to a close. However, many of you will be requested by MATC administration to extend or add new duties and responsibilities to your jobs for the remainder of the semester and/or over the summer. Are you being paid for these extra duties and responsibilities that are not part of your regular faculty or staff duties and responsibilities?

Local 212 stands behind the principle that all faculty and staff should be paid for their work. NO PAY = NO WORK!

Local 212 is constantly fighting for adequate pay and zancil load for additional duties, and we are currently in negotiations for your annual raise.

We are strongly urging all members to refuse to work for free. You deserve appropriate pay for the work and time that you dedicate to the college. If your zancil or other compensation ends on May 8, 2022, then your pay ends on May 14, 2022.

Local 212 cannot fight for fair pay and raises if you work for free.


Local 212 is Working Remotely from May 20-June 10, 2022


Local 212 Recertifies!