Shared Governance Gets a Boost

With the formation of the Academic Integration Council, shared governance within the Learn Pillar and at MATC will be getting a big boost. The council’s goal is to ensure that shared governance structures within the Learn Pillar are “student-centered, inclusive, transparent, and diverse.” Local 212 had an instrumental hand in forming the Academic Integration Council and as an organization we hope partnerships like this will continue to weave Local 212 deeper into the fabric of the college, and that our partnerships will lead to a stronger unification between college and union. 

The Academic Integration Council, not to be confused with the President's Advisory Council (which Local 212 was not involved in the formation of), was built from the ground up through a collaboration between Local 212 leaders and Learn Pillar administration. The council will provide an unprecedented opportunity for members to shape student-centered initiatives, processes and approaches, and WE WILL NEED YOUR HELP. Keep an eye out for a special edition of Center Connections that will list the available work teams and ask you to participate in the areas you are passionate about.

Local 212 could not be more proud of the work that was put into this collaboration with college administration to strengthen shared governance. This example of what gets done when Local 212 is involved stands in contrast to the aforementioned President’s Advisory Council, which we encourage members to be involved in (if and when that becomes possible), but cannot endorse the effectiveness of because we were not part of its creation.

Please, join a work team to address something you are passionate about! The Academic Integration Council is a real opportunity to give all voices at the college a chance to be heard!


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