Why 212?

As a Local 212 AFT member you have an advantage. You have the power to bargain, the power to negotiate, and the power to change things, win improvements, and achieve goals that matter to you and the people you serve. Some of the things Local 212 is working to Ensure:

1) Our class, lab and clinical sizes remain academically appropriate;

2) We are compensated for being the highly trained, experienced and dedicated professionals that we are;

3) We retain control of our curriculums and classrooms, labs and clinicals;

4) We have adequate health and safety representation;

5) We have a grievance procedure, with teeth;

6) We maintain faculty control over professional development;

7) We have a real voice in all aspects of college decision-making including hiring, credentials, technology, and certification;

8) That the fully funded Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) is not undermined through privatization or other legislative tinkering;

9) Our benefits are not taken away;

10) Employees can retire with the benefits and security they were promised.

Only a strong Union can ensure fair and equitable treatment.

Also see: Local 212 Recent Accomplishments

And: Why Local 212