Local 212 Contacted 770 Students!!

Local 212 has hosted and staffed several phone banks to call students who had attended during the last academic year, but have not returned.

Data from our August events demonstrates the effectiveness and importance of this work in that 770 students were contacted, with 139 (18%) of those called registering for the fall term. While others did not end up registering for fall, many stated that they were hoping to return in spring and the vast majority were very grateful that we had reached out.

We are awaiting data from the college on the impact of September sessions held to date. Student information and use of a call center were provided by the college. These events are prime examples of great things that can be accomplished with collaboration between employers and employee unions. Or as we like to say: Local 212 and MATC. Better together!


Local 212’s Executive Board Retreat


The Passing of a Friend