Wage Stagnation at MATC
[Above shows the wage increases outside of COLA for Local 212 Bargaining Units since 2019]
Does it feel like you haven't had a real raise in years? That's because you haven't. Through an open records request, Local 212 has acquired wage increase data for all of Local 212's bargaining units for the last five years. What we found after reviewing the data is that outside of Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) wages have remained essentially stagnant since 2020. What has happened during this time is an approval of a new compensation structure (that has yet to be finalized or fully implemented by the college) and the end of step increments. The results are that almost no one has received a wage increase outside of COLA.
COLA--or fractions of COLA--are not raises. MATC employees deserve better than this. Local 212 is calling for an improved and collaboratively-determined compensation structure. A structure that is understandable, transparent, fair, equitable, manageable, less error-prone, more competitive and a better fit for today's post-pandemic environment. And a progression system that allows true movement within the pay structure over time.