FAST Fund at MATC has chosen its Executive Director!

We are excited to announce that the Local 212 FAST Fund at MATC has appointed Bria Burris as its new Executive Director. Bria, one of the hundreds of former MATC students the Fund has supported to stay in class and graduate, is a perfect fit to lead the organization.

The FAST Fund team—staff and volunteers alike—is thrilled to officially support Bria in her new role as Executive Director. This is a full-circle moment, and we look forward to seeing how Bria’s vision will shape the future of the FAST Fund at MATC.


A Note of Gratitude from Bria

I am deeply honored to have been selected as the Executive Director of the FAST Fund at MATC. As a proud alumna, former recipient, and longtime advocate of this incredible organization, I am excited to continue working for the MATC community.

The FAST Fund has been a lifeline for so many students facing financial emergencies, and I am committed to ensuring we remain a source of stability and hope. My journey with the FAST Fund has come full circle from receiving support as a student to now leading our efforts to help others succeed.

As we look ahead, I am eager to build on our successes, deepen partnerships, and expand the impact we make together. Thank you for your unwavering support, which makes all of this possible. I look forward to sharing updates and celebrating more milestones with you in the future!

Warm regards, 
Bria Burris 


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