Tell Your State Senators & Representatives MY VOTE COUNTS!

Last April, Local 212’s endorsed candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Janet Protasiewicz, won a landslide victory.

We endorsed Judge Protasiewicz because she was committed to Local 212’s values including union and women’s rights and because she was opposed to Wisconsin’s gerrymandered elections.

Following the election of Scott Walker in 2010, the members of the Republican dominated legislature met individually with attorneys in secret meetings and redrew Wisconsin’s state legislative districts to ensure they would maintain their control of the state legislature. And they succeeded in drawing what experts call the most extreme gerrymandered districts in the country. Despite Democrats winning state wide elections in 2018, 2020 and 2022, Vos and his allies continue to win overwhelming majorities in the Assembly and the Senate because they have drawn legislative districts that ensure they win. Rather than voters picking their representatives, the representatives have selected their voters.

Now Assembly leader Robin Vos is threatening to impeach Justice Protasiewicz and disenfranchise more than one million Wisconsin voters who voted for her.  

Justice Protasiewicz has not broken any law or engaged in corrupt behavior. She has yet to even rule on a case.

Vos and his supporters are threatening impeachment simply because the election of Justice Protasiewicz is an existential threat to their power and job security. Why? Because Vos and company no longer control the Wisconsin Supreme Court. They know their election maps are illegal and will be ruled illegal by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. 

This blatant attempt to overthrow the April 2023 election and disenfranchise Wisconsin voters is extremely unpopular. So, Vos has tried to achieve the same results by rushing through the assembly without hearing a vote on establishing what he falsely calls a nonpartisan Iowa style redistricting committee. Don’t believe the hype! The proposal leaves the decision on legislative districts in, you guessed it, Robin Vos’ control. Read more HERE for details.

Please email or call your state representative and state senator. Urge them to vote against impeachment and against Vos’ phony Iowa plan. Tell them the voters elected Protasiewicz in a free and fair election. Honor the will of Wisconsin voters. THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT IF YOU LIVE IN A DISTRICT REPRESENTED BY A REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY PERSON OR SENATOR.

If you don’t know who your representatives are you can find them here:

For more information on why the impeachment proposal is not legitimate see this: 


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