Ron Johnson: Stand with Wisconsin Workers & Unions, Drop the Opposition to PRO Act

WHAT: Ron Johnson: Stand with Wisconsin Workers & Unions, Drop the Opposition to PRO Act

WHEN: Wednesday, July 13 - 11 am

WHERE: U.S. Senator Ron Johnson's office, 517 E Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee

WHO: Union activists fighting for unions and strong contracts

HOW: Rally and info picket, with press availability


- Despite a broken NLRA hundreds of Wisconsin workers have been organizing unions, from Starbucks to Activision-Blizzard/Raven/Microsoft and the Pabst Theater Group -- soon they will head to the bargaining table, and hundreds, even thousands more workers could and should be joining in organizing unions, too

- if the PRO Act were adopted these workers could be winning their union and a strong first contract without the obstacles put in front of working class people far too often

- Strong majority support for unions and collective bargaining rights means that the U.S. Senate should be adopting the PRO Act to enable workers to form and join unions -- but people like Ron Johnson are standing in the way

- We are calling on Ron Johnson to drop his opposition to the PRO Act, get with the majority of working people in this country, and stand with his Wisconsin constituents who are fighting for decent family-supporting jobs


CWA workers at Activision-Blizzard/Raven/Microsoft, CMRJB workers at Starbucks, and MASH workers at PTG (and other units to come, too) are the face of how the labor movement is advancing in Wisconsin -- and why we need the PRO Act.  


[We are also looking at this as a way to potentially launch a bit of a project around defining the Senate election -- our numbers alone in the union movement will not deliver a victory against Ron Johnson, but if we shape public narrative around him, we can]


We're asking for Local 212 to mobilize members to join us on the 13th -- please let me know if you can join us in putting union activists in the streets here.  Thanks in advance.



Peter Rickman


Milwaukee Area Service & Hospitality Workers Organization


Local 212 Retiree Chapter President, Barbara Toles, “Represents” in her Community


Rest in Power Ginger Palmer