Mark your calendars to vote “YES” for recertification on April 7th!

Mark your calendars to vote “YES” for recertification on April 7th!

Under Act 10, all public-sector unions must hold recertification elections every year with the dates set by the State of Wisconsin. Local 212’s recertification begins at noon, April 7th and ends on April 27th at noon.
There will be 3 concurrent elections, one for each of Local 212’s bargaining units:

  • Full-time faculty/counselor

  • Part-time faculty

  • Professional staff

Recertification is not the same as membership! Whether or not you’re a member of Local 212, you have a right and responsibility to vote. In addition, If you don’t vote it will count as a “no” vote; you will be counted as voting against recertification of Local 212 as the exclusive bargaining agent.

A “YES” vote will allow Local 212 to continue to:
Bargain wage increases for faculty, counselors, and professional staff.
Meet and confer with the administration to ensure that employees have a voice in decisions made affecting your working conditions and MATC students’ learning conditions.
Insist that the administration and the board respect academic standards, employee rights, faculty control of the curriculum, and shared governance.
Represent members with Handbook complaints and discipline procedures.
Telephone and online voting instructions will be released soon!

Questions? Email Local 212's Director of Labor Relations, Steve Johnson, or call at 262-468-6264.


Member News- Kevin Pulz


Member News- Nicole Jackson