Lisa Conley's Coordination Day Remarks

[Local 212 President, Lisa Conley, calls the Coordination Day Opening Session audience to participation on Thursday, August 15, 2024; photo credit MATC Communication Team]

On Thursday, August 15 Local 212 President, Lisa Conley addressed the crowd gathered in the Cooley Auditorium to welcome and express gratitude, highlight the challenges faced by students and workers at the college, the need for support, and assert a call to action.

President Conley stressed the need to recognize what faculty are seeing and hearing on the frontlines from students so that both can be better supported and successful. She also emphasized the unsustainable practices the college has employed at the start of the school year including last minute schedule changes brought on by staffing shortages. A direct result of the college's current austerity measures. She reminded all that "We are in the people business and people need people." And emphasized the need for hiring faculty--especially full time faculty-- to be "in place where needed, when needed, and as soon as needed." 

She accentuated the importance of addressing issues openly and collaboratively, believing in the collective intellectual capital and expertise of the faculty, and the need for all to use their voices when the opportunity arises, as well as take care of themselves. Finally, she reminded that when in need, Local 212 has your back!

Read full remarks HERE


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