The Passing of a Friend-Jason Matthews

R.I.P. Jason!

Jason Matthews, a big man with an even bigger heart, died on Friday, September 17th.

Jason was a mentor and friend to thousands of MATC students. Students were drawn to him because he possessed a strong confidence in himself and his life’s purpose. He was someone they could trust, that they could talk to. Laura Gomez spoke for many when she wrote,” I can’t stop the tears! He has been there for me for so long. He never gave up on me even when I had given up on my self ! I love you Jason

“You were the one that encouraged me to finish school,” wrote his colleague Cynthia Walker. “You pushed me to never stop reaching my goal. You told me that my baby was an inspiration. Because of you, I never stopped until I worked alongside of you at MATC. I appreciate you encouraging me to never give up when I wanted to give up. Thank you for encouraging me and many others that have cross your path.”

Jason Matthews was a model for anyone who worked for MATC. Students always came first for Jason! He ignored the bureaucrats and their rules when they were obstacles to student success. Just a few months ago he spoke for many at the college when he wrote,” Many organizations seek re-organization and only end up with disorganization.”

Jason's sense of purpose and self-confidence made it impossible for people in authority to bully or intimidate him.

Many times, over many years, supervisors would tell him that it was unprofessional to stand in the hallway talking to students, despite the fact that talking to and counseling students WERE his jobs. They wanted him secluded in his office, waiting for students to come to him, to wear a suit and tie. They even called him into HR and wrote him up.

But Jason always knew which side he was on. The second floor outside Multicultural Affairs was his office. He once told me, “If that’s where the students are, that’s where I need to be. “

For these same reasons, Jason was active with Local 212. He served on the 212 Executive Board, and always walked the walk: marching with 212 on Labor Day, supporting 212 endorsed candidates, or calling BS when the administration did idiotic things.

For example, when an MATC President tried to close Multicultural Affairs where Jason worked, the Adult High School and the Early Childhood Development Learning Labs, Jason didn’t flinch. He spoke truth to power and played an important role in saving these institutions that are so important to our students and the community!

Big J’s activism in the community stretched beyond Sixth and State. After his football playing days at Winona State ended, he continued his involvement in the game by coaching young people in the Neighborhood Children’s Sports League with his MATC colleague, Robbie Reddick. This is also why he was a founding member of the Men of Color.

Jason wasn’t all business, though: he knew how to have a good time. He loved music, especially Prince, and he sang with the Heritage Chorale. I can still see him sitting in his big truck outside

my house, a twinkle in his eye, a huge smile on his face during my ScotchFest party a few years ago.

Jason was a man of principle who fought with a smile for his students and for others. He posted on Facebook, "I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong.”

MATC faculty, staff and especially the students he loved so dearly will miss him more than words can express.

Jason loved Prince. When Prince died Jason posted this, so these words seem also appropriate for J’s passing:

It is raining purple, now

And all the doves cry

There’s a beret on the ground

A red Corvette goes by

We should start a party like its 1999

To celebrate the prince

And the soul he leaves behind

Visitation at 10 on Saturday, September 25. Service at 11 am. NW Funeral Home, 6630 W Hampton, Milwaukee.

If you’re unable to attend the service, send your Digital Condolences


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