Local 212 Case Form
Disciplinary actions are on the rise, especially regarding complaints filed by students. The college has become more punitive, and in Local 212's opinion, too severe in their disciplinary actions. This new case form was created to better serve Local 212 members. The form ensures that all cases are being attended to and provides a vehicle for real time feedback. Moreover, it identifies the bargaining unit most closely associated with the case, the member in need of representation, and the best time to contact them, as well as a description of the issue or concern and the remedy sought by the submitter. With this information, Local 212 representatives can better represent, advocate for, educate, and follow up with members. This form - that can also be used to submit ideas, questions, or concerns - will also allow your union to track progress made, and the number, distribution, and cadence of cases handled each semester.
Local 212’s office staff, leaders, and advocates will of course still accept phone calls and emails, and have hallway conversations, etc. with members. We have yet to determine what the criteria are, or what the threshold is, in these instances for when something should be entered into a form and who will do that. This is a pilot and will be a work in progress! Your support and patience are appreciated as we embark on this journey.
The Case Form can be found on Local 212's website HERE
And finally, please remember to use your personal email when contacting Local 212 for help, to never use your MATC email for anything you would not like to be public, and if you find yourself in a disciplinary meeting, remember to only answer Yes or No.