Local 212 at Laborfest
This year's Laborfest was an astounding success, capped by a last minute visit by United States President Joe Biden. Biden talked about the importance of unions, their significance to the middle class and reminded the audience of Ron Johnson's plan to jeopardize Medicare and Social Security. He also responded to a heckler at the event. Read more from JSonline HERE
View Sue Ruggles photos of the event HERE
Photos below!
Photo credit: Stephanie Bloomingdale. Pictured: Local 212 w/ AFL CIO President Liz Shuler, AFL WI President Stephanie Bloomingdale, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh
Photo credit: Stephanie Bloomingdale. Pictured: Local 212 w/ AFL CIO President Liz Shuler, AFL WI President Stephanie Bloomingdale, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh