Friend of MATC Passes, Melanie Cosgrove Holmes

Melanie Cosgrove Holmes, November 1, 1950 - November 23, 2020

From Local 212 retiree Charlie Dee:

Melanie served on the MATC Board from 2008-2012 with both commitment and
curiosity. Her background reveals why she related so well to MATC.

She was hired as a temp at Manpower, working in the executive offices as an assistant
to an administrative assistant. Her energy and intelligence soon got her moved to full-
time and it wasn’t long before she became an AA in the CEO’s office.

This was in the early ’80s when offices were transitioning from typewriters to computers,
but training manuals were either non-existent or indecipherable. Melanie took it upon
herself to develop a training program that other secretaries could understand, it became
a global standard, and she soon became a VP at Manpower. She earned a graduate
degree in Business-Administration while on the job, which certainly helped her relate to
the many MATC students who work full time while taking classes,

Melanie Holmes never forgot where she came from nor the education that enabled her
career trajectory.

During her four years on the MATC Board, including two as chair of the board, Melanie
displayed deep concern for our students as well as respect for the faculty and staff.
While she didn’t always vote the way 212’s leaders would have wanted her to, she
never failed to listen to 212 leadership, take us seriously, and explain her position. After
leaving the board, she continued to serve the college by joining the MATC Foundation
Board and donating generously to the foundation.

Melanie also lived with bone cancer for 14 years. Despite weekly chemo treatments,
she bore her cancer with astounding grace, humor, and courage. Anybody who knew
her was inspired by her approach: she never sought sympathy, always had a smile, but
if one asked her how she was doing, her answer was forthright and specific.
MATC has lost a true champion for the college and Local 212 has lost a good friend.

Services will be private. Memorials in Melanie’s name may be made to the MATC Foundation, Inc., 700 W. State Street, S214, Milwaukee, WI 53233, or to the MPTV Fund, 1036 North 8th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233.


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