A 40,000 Dollar Punch in the Gut

As many of you are aware, the college has decided to go forward with a pay increase for workers that we did not agree to, and do not see as a fair cost of living increase. This is a disrespect to members who are struggling just like everyone else to keep up with rising inflation costs. But others at the college have not been as unfortunate. Namely, President Vicki Martin who received a $40,000 bonus as part of her annual contract. The move received local coverage and you can read the article HERE or through the MATC Library database HERE.

The bonus seems increasingly ironic because of the most recent communication from the president bemoaning "budget challenges." All while many perform unpaid training, and extra labor hours, learning to use Blackboard Ultra and convert their fall classes. Needless to say, we at Local 212 feel that money could've been used more effectively elsewhere.


FAST Fund Director, Liz Franczyk Explains How FAST Fund Helps Fill in the Gaps For MATC Students


Teamsters 662 On STRIKE!